
Computer and Network Security
Auburn University      
Fall 2024

Course Info

Lecture: Tu/Th 3:30pm - 4:45pm CT
Location: 2101 Shelby
Syllabus: link
Canvas: Used only for submitting assignments and returning grades

Contact Info

TA Instructor
Name: Ginny Genge Dr. Springall
Phone: N/A 334-844-6660
Mo 1-2pm
We 4-5pm
2168 Brown-Koppel
Mo 3-4pm
We 3-4 CT
3101H Shelby
Email: B64: dmdnMDAwM0BhdWJ1cm4uZWR1 B64: YWFzcHJpbmdAYXVidXJuLmVkdQ==

Schedule (1st half)

(subject to change)

Week Day Event Desc. Docs
1 Tu (20Aug2024) Lecture Security Mindset & Overview slides
We (21Aug2024) Release Project 1A assn spec makefile EX auto-runner v2
Th (22Aug2024) Lecture Intro to Cryptography slides
2 Tu (27Aug2024) Lecture Hashing and Integrity slides
Th (29Aug2024) Lecture Confidentiality slides
3 Tu (03Sept2024) Lecture Confidentiality 2 slides
We (04Sept2024) Submit Project 1A
Th (05Sept2024) Lecture KEX & Asymmetric Operations slides
Fr (06Sept2024) Release Project 1B assn
4 Tu (10Sept2024) Lecture Sender Authenticity slides
Th (12Sept2024) Lecture Authentication & Review slides
5 Tu (17Sept2024) Exam Exam 1 Grades on Canvas
Th (19Sept2024) Lecture Binary Exploitation #1 slides
Fr (20Sept2024) Submit Project 1B
6 Tu (24Sept2024) Lecture Binary Exploitation #2 slides
Tu (24Sept2024) Release Project 2 assn OVA
Th (26Sept2024) Lecture Binary Exploitation #3 slides
7 Tu (01Oct2024) Lecture Malware & Common Attacks slides
Th (03Oct2024) Lecture OS Security and Isolation slides
8 Tu (08Oct2024) Lecture Hardware Security slides
Th (10Oct2024) No Lecture Fall Break
Su (13Oct2024) Submit Project 2
9 Tu (15Oct2024) Exam Mid-Term
Version: 2024-10-08T22-49-11 UTC